Eagle's Nest Christian Home Educators Association Eagle's Nest Christian Home Educators Association Eagle's Nest Christian Home Educators Association Eagle's Nest Christian Home Educators Association Eagle's Nest Christian Home Educators Association Eagle's Nest Christian Home Educators Association

Eagle's Nest Scholarship Form Application 2025

indicates a required answer

1. *

Graduating Senior’s Name:

2. *

Student's Email Address

3. *

Parents’ Names:

4. *

Parent's Email Address

5. *

Are you graduating from high school this year?

6. *

Are you planning to attend college, vocational school, or some other form of post-secondary education? If so, where?

7. *

Tell us a little about your future goals.

8. *

How many years have you been involved in EN? What EN programs and activities have you participated in during that time?


How have you made a positive contribution to EN?


How has EN had a positive impact on your life?


Recommendations: Which EN leaders and/or Eluminatus tutors can tell us about you and your EN involvement? (You may also include past leaders/tutors, and we will contact them if possible.)